Blue Luma


sooo my site is still in the works (hence why it's in such a terrible state rn) this is only my second time using css and first time using html! I learned all of this over 4 days I had for break and honestly it was so worth it. At first I was really confused, but after staring and looking through a bunch of source code I started to understand little by little. Ofc I plan on editing more and even adding my own blog, I just don't really know how to rn,,,I plan on making a bunch of manga reviews since I have so many that aren't published anywhere



i decided to finaly actually working on my blog since ive been putting it off for 6 days lmaoo, its also my birthday today!!! so maybe i got some motivation from that, i also added a new hover feature to my nav bar! oh and i wanted to say thank you to everyone that signed my guestbook!!! it really means a lot to me and everyones comments makes me so happy lol <33333


i tried updating my blog and making it usable but i swear its impossible to get the container to where i want it to go :C if anyone knows how to help PLEASE contact me because its giving me a headache,,,


finished my status cafe profile html/css so now it looks all pretty<33


started coding my blog, implemented my site button, new cat nav gifs, fixed text sizes, new dividers,


added in my status cafe link and box! yayyy!! planning on adding more but i dont know if i have the energy haha


finally FINALLY!!! i got the layout (mostly) drawn out

**A GAY MAN!! **
