2.6.25 14.16
hey guys im back! i feel like i havent written in FOREVER, but in reality its not that long lol. ive been grinding work lately, mostly because i need to save for college but also because im in debt to my sibling LOLLLLLLL. hopefullly i can pay it off before i grow into a old grandma. but hey i finally got my computer built! i also reconnected with some of my old online friends! bella if youre somehow reading this I LOVE YOUUUU!!! also i figured out that isolating myself is actually kinda bad...after i started talking to my friends more often i got a lot happier...weird right. i truely am a enfp lol. ive been studying japanese this year and i think ill continue when i go to university, but i just know its gonna be SO MUCH HARDER. my class has open note exams so i lowkey dont really know what im doing...like ever,,,,,im listening to kendricks new album while writing this and OMGGGG gnx is actually SAUR GOOD. i accidentally didnt take off work for the superbowl but HOPEFULLY they let me use my pto and leave early because i NEED to see kendricks halftime show, I HAVE TOOO, i srsly cant miss it!! i feel like everytime i write my mind is all over the place, and i end up getting off task while writing about fifty thousand things,,,yes i have adhd (was that just cringe) lately ive been thinking about actually learning html and recoding my website. because if you cant tell there are ALOT of problems with this site. i literally cant even begin listing them off because theres just so much. (im sorry you have to see this mess)
my desktop
12.4.24 9:29
Im writing this in psychology right now because I'm SOY bored. I feel awkward writing this because istg if the person behind me is looking over my shoulder i’ll start tweaking. I actually don't really know what to write because the only reason why I started this entry is because we aren't aloud to use our phones in school, its a new "policy". Grade checks are coming up this Friday,,,and I'm not looking forward to it, mostly because AP Precalculus is making my gpa suffer. which is the class I have NEXT HOUR. (help me) I want this school year to end already and I'm not even in second semester yet :C. I FORGOT I have all the parts to my computer now (well should by the end of the day bc of shipping) and I'll be building it with my sisters boyfriend this sunday the eighth. This week is actually really busy for me because on friday I have to drive up to my siblings apartment in Madison to go to the jpegmafia concert!!! (i’ll make a post about it later) I’m so excited because the concert was actually planned on a different weekend but got cancelled 20 minutes into the show because of weather conditions. Yea that's right, he never showed up…part of the reason why I'm so excited for my computer is, of course, because I want to play games but also because I cant wait to update my blog! like I said before the laptop I used to use to program and update, kind of exploded so for now I've only been posting my journal entry in my personal notion account, which isn't very fun considering I cant make it as cute as I want it. there's a lot of customization options in here but its not like I can put a little gif in the middle of the text like in my blog. its just not the same smh. because my computer was like $3k ( I think I might post a parts list later) I bought a two year supply of nord vpn because I don't want my information to get stolen and then my computer being made inoperable >:C if you're a hacker reading this PLEASE DON'T HACK ME! I'm just a girl!!! actually please email me and teach me how to hack because I highkey wanna be like futaba and I want a russian hacker bf! See you on my next update ! :D
11.19.24 14:18
HELLO!! omg i feel like i havent written in here in FOREVER… well not really forever its just been like two months lol. life has been really hectic just because college admission deadlines…i got accepted into the college i applied to! not that its anything special (its basically just community college) but still, im happy that the stress is over GOD. some school drama started up this week and of course im always somehow involved…LET ME BE CRINGE AND FREE UGHHHH whatever im already over it anyways. lets see…something new that just receantly happned was me getting my wisdom teeth surgery! i actually wasnt supposed to get them out until january but they broke through my gums so i kinda had to get them out in october…it was SO painful, mainly just because i got a virus that caused a throat infection, luckily i didnt get the actual site infected but it was so painful to swallow for weeeeeeeeeeeeks. this wednesday marks the third week ive had them out so id say im pretty much healed now! i would say the biggest challege was not drinking boba for two weeks straight…(i couldnt use straws) oh and i forgot to mention this but i started reading vagabond again! this time i just started over because it had been two years since i had started to read it…so i pretty much forgot everything lol. But its ok now! i read 60 chapters yesterday, if i keep on track it should only take me about a week to finish it. i doubt that ever occurring though, my attention span is too small for that. also i forgot to mention, im writing this using my xbox browser rn LMFAAO my laptop kinda exploded recently and finally killed its self so not im stuck on my 10 y/o xbox, so im sorry for the spelling mistakes (it doesnt let me correct them) D:<
9.09.2024 17:37
Man was last week ROUGH I guess I'll talk about what happened since EVERYONE knows about it. you know how I was talking about how that guy found out I made that video calling out him and his group of friends…well he sent the video to the group chat and I just got publicly clowned on for the past week. it doesn't really bother me anymore because in reality I don't care what “those type” of people think about me. sure they might make annoying hurtful comments but its not like I am friends with them or anything. idk it just seems weird to me that I called them out and they got so butt hurt over a 40 second video of me. oh well, their insecure, not me. Other than that my school schedule has been really nice. I get home around 12:30 finish my online classes and then do what ever I want. usually I finish around 2 so its definitely better than traditional school. (i couldn't stand being locked in a room for eight hours) personally I feel more and free and maybe a little more like an adult. Thanks for checking in! ps. I want my room to look like the cover SO BAD
9.02.2024 13:45
Sooooooooo today i wanted to write about this new youtuber ive been watching. in fact i jsut watched one of her videos for the first time this morning! the account is Tamakid! i really aspire to be like her because everything she edits is so CUTE!!!! if i were to vlog i would edit the videos EXACTLY as she has! anyways im getting ahead of myself. tomorrow starts the first day and last year of high school, for me. I KNOW it feels weird actually being the oldest in the school. but i feel ive gotten off to a bad start. you see last night i might of posted a rant on tiktok about how all the boys in the senior group chat are WEIRD. and i was lowkey being kinda mean, but who wouldnt!!! theyre seriously weirdos. anyways one of them saw it and said "thats the reason why we didnt invite you until the begining of the year". i kinda caught me off gaurd because i didnt think any of them followed me or even knew of my account! he didnt send it to anyone (at least i dont think) and i made it my friends only. so hopefully my reputation didnt get worse than it actually is. on another note this year im technically going to TWO schools! one is only for online classes though haha. im taking a japanese class online and im a little worried since my adhd makes it hard to focus, especially with things on a computer, but im sure im just worrying for no reason at all! ive studied some hiriganna and katakana but besides that i know almost nothing about the japanese language :D (wish me luck)
8.29.2024 22:02
OMG! HEYYYYY!!!!! i know i always say this but this time it has been a WHILE. i guess its only been 2 months but somehow it feels longer. so much has happened in these two months and i kinda regret not writing about it on here ;'( OH WELL whats done is done. anywayssss ill be going back to school NEXT WEEK :C which means i cant wake up at 12pm everyday anymore. uegh i hate sschool. hopefully this year will go alot smoother! as you may be able to see im having some dificulties making the gif image on the left not cropped weirdly??? if that makes any sesnse? its really starting to piss me off, because one day it'll look fine and then the nexted it'll all be messed UP!! D:< UGGG it gets on my nerves every time. ALSO, kinda off topic but i saw someone made a post on my guestbook! my first ever comment :D but. the thing is. i dont know what it means HAHA ill link a screenshot below but i literally have NO IDEA what it means. i looked it up but to no avail :V (the only thing thats popping up on google is a cryptid) tmrw ill probably make another post about my hobonichi journey! see you tomorrow.
6.17.2024 14:04
hey! soooo im back!!! I mean its only been like eight days since i last posted, but because i barely have any profile views i doubt theres anyone really reading this haha. BUT ANYWAYS i recently-well i guess not super recently- ive been reading heaven officials blessing!!!! ahhhh its so good i cant believe i took such a long break from reading it. for context i started reading volume one in august, finished it and then started volume two. but haha like two thirds of the way through i gave up reading///FOR A YEAR. i cant believe myself, i knew i had hyperfixations because of my adhd but still that seems kinda excessive. well what ever at least i picked it back up. I think i read and finished the third volume in about 4 days, which i mean looking at my fanfiction track record thats not really that surprising (i read a 400k in 3 days). although i finished the book so fast the only book store in my city for some reason had every other volume EXCEPT 4. so i had to buy it online lol, making me wait three-five BUSINESS days to get my book hurt my soul. I guess ill just be waiting for now
6.9.2024 22:45
after coming home from the camping trip today (ill make a post about it tomorrow) i decided i wanted some change in my life. so i decided to change my phone layout lol. As of recently ive been liking the color pink a lot! ill post the layout below! (btw all the photos are all up on my pinterest dilaab )
6.7.2024 22:05
i've been considering upgrading to a new laptop lately. while the one i currently have isn't terrible—well, actually, scratch that, it's pretty bad. It's practically on its deathbed. BUT the laptop i've been wanting is a 8th gen thinkpad x390. i've heard a lot of good reviews taking into account it has an i7 processor, 16gb of ram and around 250gb of storage. and the price of one i found on ebay actually wasn't too bad! anyways enough nerdy stuff. Im going on a camping trip with my friends start tomorrow! Im excited, dont get me wrong, but uhhhhhh the friend group im in a has been really arguementitive and unstable. i finaly packed up all my stuff so wish me luck!
6.5.2024 17:30
so today was a pretty busy day for me. second to last day of school for me, making final projects due TODAY. while i didn't have too many of them it was still a bit stressful wrapping everything up. not only that i had to fill up my gas AND tires after school. Putting gas in my car went over just fine but my tires….lets just say i don't exactly know what i'm doing. (i've only had my license for a few months, give me a break). So basically what happened-and yes this is a rant-i filled up all three of my tires and got in my car. But i saw that the tire warning light was still on. When i checked the psi you would not believe what i saw THIRTEEN PSI. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN. Mind you my psi is supposed to be at THIRTY. After i called my dad and he PULLED UP to the gas station he told me i wasn't holding the valve up right and then somehow,,,after what he told me what to do,,,it worked without ANYYYYYY issues. Like c,mon, couldn't have worked earlier?
Also lol i forgot to mention the video on the right ! if you dont know its an edit of this older show called h2o just add water.(my favorite was rikki) I know there are a fair amount of people that have watched the show but i swear the fandom is DEAD. (pls someone help me revive it) I got the edit on my fyp today and i just can't stop thinking about it. Of course i love the show, but i can help feeling a sort of melancholy nostalgia

6.3.2024 12:00
today i ended up skiping school haha... BUT ITS OK, schools almost done anyways. because i skipped school i decided to make my space hey account!

for right now the css/html im using is a template, but im thinking about programming my own maybe later tonight. but becuase of my space hey account i can actually massage people now! im super excited but it did remind me of something. a while back around 2020 there was a website that was essentially just spcae hey. but a few months in it shut down. i ended up checking the guys (the person who ran it was french canadian) socails, but it was radio silents. STILL TO THIS DAY! :C the reason why im so upset about this is because on my online bestest of best friends was on there. we both never ended up giving each other different socials becuase we thought it would be more fun messaging over the website. but because of that i havent been able to talk to her since! i still think about it :[
6.2.2024 22:04
soooooo today i wpoke up around 9am and went back to working on my website right away lol [the hyperfixation goes hard] but i had a eight hour shift starting at 1pm :C so i had to say goodbye to my computer ;-; while i was dreading work it actually wasnt that bad! i got to water a lot of flowers and enjoy the sunlight!! somehow the clock struck the time for me to leave so i zoomed out of there. although i dont hate working i still dont enjoy it as much as my bed haha. i forgot to mention that i actually work with one of my really close friends =, and today we ended up talking about the camping trip we're going on together with some other friends, which is THIS weekend. i swear we are so bad at planning things. while im excited to go camping i just KNOW that theres going to be some kind of stupid arguement thats going to develope from the close proximity...
6.1.2024 10:45
i think i finaly figured this out! there are a few errors in my code (the x's) and i dont really know how to fix them..but they dont seem to be making anything a mess! Yay! i thnk ill still tweak this page a lot but for now it looks fine. im thinking about adding my guest book back in so maybe you'll be seeing it! [nevermind i litteraly just found out that they're shutting down the guestbook services :C if anyone else knows another website ten please let me know!]